Adult Bible Classes
Visitor’s Class
“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10
Have you ever wondered why there are over 4200 religious organizations in the world today?
Society promotes joining the church of your choice which is contrary to God’s word.
Is it possible for all 4200 religious organizations to be right?
Does the bible teach salvation in all churches or does it teach salvation in one church?
In this class we will take a serious look at what we MUST do to be saved.
Adult Class in Auditorium:
Here is class material for our class taught by Verne Weir.
Ladies Class:
The ladies class is meeting in the fellowship hall. This class will be studying 1 and 2 Timothy. Join the ladies for an exciting study.
Young Adults:
This class is for young adults who have just graduated high school up to age 28. This class focuses on this transitional phase of their lives and on their daily walk with Jesus.